German Shorthaired Pointer Puppies
ADAM HILL HUNTING ADVENTURESGerman Shorthaired Pointer Puppies
We provide quality German Shorthaired Pointers that are healthy, versatile and full of natural ability. Our elite hunting dogs have superior pedigrees from Champion Bloodlines and have been featured numerous times on the television programs Exploring the Outdoors and Pennsylvania Outdoor Life. They exhibit ideal temperaments and intelligence making them a pleasure to train. These traits in our Shorthairs make them an excellent choice for the field and your home.
At AHHA we strive to give our puppies a great deal of experiences. This helps create a well socialized puppy that will be a great fit for their new family. We like our puppies to go to hunting homes that also appreciate an excellent companion.
Our German Shorthaired Pointers that are used for breeding are certified by the Orthopedic Foundation for animals not to have hip or elbow dysplasia and cardiac or eye problems. Completing all the recommended tests gives the dog a CHIC certification which indicates that good health is factored into our next generation of dogs.
Each of our dogs are AKC and NAVHDA Registered. We are also members of the GSPCA. New puppy buyers will receive a complimentary year of a GSPCA membership if they have not been previous members!
Litters Available
• Expected 2025!
•For Information on Upcoming Litters call (570) 229-7655
Layna is a special companion with a great disposition. She is a close working dog with solid points that retrieves to hand. Her performance never disappoints and is beyond our expectations every time she is professionally guiding a hunt. She has Master Hunters, National Field Champions, Field Champions, Amateur Field Champions, Champions, Senior Hunters and other titles in her pedigree. I could not ask for a sweeter, more loyal GSP!
Sadie always comes through, and I rely on her heavily when professionally guiding hunts. She has a close range, solid points, retrieves to hand and never gives up. Outside of the fields she is incredibly sweet and loving. She has Master Hunters, National Field Champions, Field Champions, Amateur Field Champions, Champions, Senior Hunters and other titles in her pedigree. I could not ask for a more reliable female GSP!
Xena is a bird hunter’s dream come true. Her drive to hunt and ability to learn are virtually unstoppable. She is rapidly becoming one of our primary guide dogs and I have high expectations for her development since she is already so advanced. When she is not guiding a hunt she loves to play, retrieve and swim. She has Master Hunters, National Field Champions, Field Champions, Amateur Field Champions, Champions, Senior Hunters and NAVHDA titles in her Pedigree.
Rona always works to please as her personality and disposition is devoted and affectionate. When she is in the field her drive never stops and her points are staunch. The speed at which she learns and has developed is exceptional and impressive. She has Master Hunters, National Field Champions, Field Champions, Amateur Field Champions, Champions, Senior Hunters and NAVHDA titles in her Pedigree.
Delta is sweet, affectionate and has a great temperament. When she is in the field her intense drive to hunt shows through with her hard core all business attitude. She works close, holds long hard points, and retrieves to hand. Delta learns rapidly and will use her skills to guide full time this season. When she is not in the field, she is eager to play, retrieve and swim. Three of her great grandfathers DC/AFC Gamble’s Odyssey Fritz MH, VC/CH Crystal’s Up Close ‘N Personal CD, MH, RD, ROMXX and 2 of her great great grandfathers (DC/AFC Sam Saint Max MH VCX) are in the Hall of Fame. She has Dual Champions, Master Hunters, National Field Champions, Field Champions, Amateur Field Champions, Champions, Senior Hunters, Junior Hunters, Retrieving Dog Titles, and NAVHDA titles in her Pedigree.
Jake became a Junior Hunter (JH) before seven months old and earned Natural Ability Prize 1 a week after turning one years old, showing his instincts and talent. He received a Prize 1 with an excellent score on his NAVHDA Utility Test and he recently became a Master Hunter (MH). He will attend an invitational this year to compete to become a Versatile Champion. His father is a Versatile Champion (VC) and Master Hunter (MH). Achieved maximum scores on both the NAVHDA Utility Test (204 points) and Invitation Test (VC, 200 points). Awarded Retrieving Dog Excellent (RDX) by the GSPCA. Jake come from a long lineage of Master Hunters and Versatile Champions.
Winston is a show Champion and a Junior Hunter. His littermate whelped a litter that produced a male and female puppy that made it into the top 25 at the Westminster dog show in 2020. The male dog received 1st with an Award of Merit. This young star is now a Gold Grand Champion and not far from being a Platinum Grand Champion. He was the #1 dog in the country for several months. Winston’s father was the #1 male GSP in the nation in the show ring for two years. This stud comes from a long lineage of Grand Champions and Champions in the show ring as well as Junior Hunters.
Brew was bred to do it all and he has proved it. He became a Junior Hunter (JH) at 10 months old and received his Senior Hunter (SH) title while being owner trained and handled. He was an AKC Champion by 11 months with 4 majors including a 4 point and 25-point major at large northeast specialties. By 17 months he was an AKC Grand Champion and is now a Grand Champion Bronze. Brew has received multiple group placings and was in the top ten at the AKC National Owner Handler Series in 2014. He is a UKC Champion as the #3 GSP in 2019 with multiple Best in Shows and he holds a UKC United Rally Obedience Title. In AKC he has received Companion Dog, Beginner Novice, Rally Excellent and Canine Good Citizen obedience titles as well as a Dock Senior title. Brew’s Grandfather and Great Grandfather are in the Hall of Fame (HOF). He also has Dual Champions, Amateur field Champions, Master Hunters, Senior Hunters, Junior Hunters, Champions, Grand Champion Gold, Grand Champion, Rally Advanced, Rally Novice, Beginner Novice, Canine Good Citizen, Companion Dog Excellent, Companion Dogs, and Dock Senior titles in his pedigree.
Brody finished his conformation championship (CH) quickly at just over a year of age winning huge majors in one specialty show weekend. In the field he has a great nose and an uncanny ability to pin the bird between himself and the hunter. He naturally retrieves and loves to swim. He has a Junior Hunter (JH) title as well as being titled in coursing (BCAT) averaging 24 mph and the recent AKC “Fetch” program (FTN). Brody will continue to gain titles to further prove his versatility in the field and show/obedience rings. His paternal great grandfather and great great grandfather are in the Hall of Fame (HOF). At Westminster his maternal great great grandmother was Best in Show in 2005, his great uncle was Best in Show in 2016, in 2020 his ½ brother received 1st with an Award of Merit and his ½ sister made it into the top 25. He also has Dual Champions, Amateur field Champions, Master Hunters, Senior Hunters, Junior Hunters, Grand Champion Gold, Grand Champion Bronze, Grand Champion, Champions, Rally Advanced, Rally Novice, Rally Excellent, Beginner Novice, Canine Good Citizen, Companion Dog Excellent, Companion Dogs, and Dock Senior titles in his pedigree.
GSP Puppy Inquiry
German Shorthaired Pointer Dams
German Shorthaired Pointer Sires
German Shorthaired Pointer Puppies
Our elite hunting dogs have superior pedigrees from Champion Bloodlines and have been featured numerous times on the television programs Exploring the Outdoors and Pennsylvania Outdoor Life.